Social Networking????

A lot of people either think it’s important or that it is not. I believe that it’s important to get your business seen anyway possible. Therefore I have several way that I connect with others via social networks like Facebook,Twitter, and instagram.

Video Tutorial

I’m nervous to make a video but think it might be beneficial to my followers to see my process and learn from it what do you think?????

Frustrating situations

I absolutely hate that when you have a list of quilling items to make and not enough of the right color ugh!!!! It’s one of those kind of days. I really need to keep up with my inventory list of colors. Well happy quilling everyone.

My Goals for the Coming year….

  1. Create up to 10 items a day
  2. Lean more techniques
  3. Sale more items
  4. Participate in more Craft Shows
  5. Get the word out there about my business
  6. Write down new ideas and experiment with old ones
  7. Share your knowledge with others
  8. Teach others who want to learn
  9. Save money and don’t buy anything unless you absolutely need to
  10. Use your supplies sparingly

End of the year crafting

Some people say that when the holidays come around it’s not necessary to craft more for a while but I think the opposite. Working all year round is the best way to stay ahead of the game and keeps you ready for the next craft show. I am planning on doing more then just 2 craft shows next year. I hope it will happen and be successful in the end.

Communication with my followers…..

Hey there everybody. I wanted you all to know that if you like my work on my Etsy shop but, don’t like the colors I will custom make anything that you maybe looking for. So please don’t be afraid to ask for something that you want to see from me.

My crafting flaw

One thing that I wish I could change about myself is that I keep up with doing my quilling everyday. It’s not a good thing to have a craft show around the corner and not a lot of inventory to sale. I really need to work on making more things to sale in a timely fashion.

Want to learn something new for free?

Hey all followers of mine I just wanted to share one thing with you guys today. Have you ever wanted to learn something without paying anything or even being in the classroom? Well I’m here to share with you an app that is really cool and it’s called Skillshare where you can learn anything just by watching a video. I think it is really cool because it helps me with difficulties that I am having in My Quilling journey. If it’s not quilling that she want to learn, I hope that you find something interesting on

Equipment repair

as I was using this tool I noticed that its wasn’t crimping a tightly as it should so I decided to tighten the screw on the tool and that made it work a lot better.

Where do I see myself in 5,10, or 15 Years with my business?

Well in 5 Years I see myself coming up with new ideas and maybe getting some help from other Quillers in North Carolina. I also see myself teaching what I know to others who may just be getting started on their Quilling journey.

As for where I see myself in 10 Years, I really hope to have a list of customers that buy from me over and over again and maybe just maybe my master pieces in a art gallery or something.

And last but not least where do I see myself in 15 years you may ask, well I see myself successful and Quilling as much as possible.

How long does it take me ?

Well that’s simple to answer, I tell people that depending on the size of the project is how long it may take me. Usually it takes me from 1 hour to even a whole day, but if you enjoy something it shouldn’t matter how long it takes as long as your happy with the end result.

Makng a Inventory List and why its so good to have one

I have recently made a inventory list and some of you maybe saying why do I need that? Well to keep track of what is selling of course LOL. Yes its time consuming but it will help you as a entrepreneur and will help you business grow to what you would like it to be in the future. It’s also a good idea to show you what you need to keep making and what you don’t have to because it didn’t sale at a craft show or in the stores. Well I hope to all my followers this tip helps you and I would love to know your thoughts and what other tools help you with keeping your business organized.

To much paper and not enough time……

I say you can never have enough strips of paper because you never know when your going to need it and have a bright idea. I try never to run out if I can help it. As for the not enough time it’s ok there is always tomorrow to continue a project.

Why working with others can be challenging it can also be a relief

As a Crafter I have to rely on the help of others to help me finish my projects like with my cards I always have asked my mother to help me design the front because I’m sorry to say but I am not a scrapbooker and I have no since of what colors go good together or what else should go on my card except for what I have quilled so after that I let my mother take it from there and I am alway happy with the end result even though it may take my mother time to complete her part and that alway drives me crazy but by working with my mother I have learned patients and how to work along side her and together we make beautiful projects to sell

Organizations I hold dear in my heart

Camp Carefree: Since 1986, Camp Carefree has provided a FREE, one week camping experience for kids with chronic illnesses. Our program also includes camps for well siblings of ill children, and a week for children with a sick parent.

The campground has accommodations for 120 campers, counselors and medical personnel, and offers the recreational and craft activities of a traditional camping program. The main difference involves the populations served and the residence of medical volunteers from UNC Hospitals, Moses Cone Health System, Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center and other area health facilities. These teams oversee the proper administration of medications and treatments that many of our campers require, and assures the close monitoring of their physical condition.

Many children with serious health problems live a protected life and spend a good deal of their young lives in hospitals and doctor’s offices. Camp Carefree provides them with needed freedom to play, learn and have fun with others who encounter similar difficulties. The psychological, recreational and physical benefits of camping with their peers can help make their personal battle easier to bear. Sharing their feelings with others who really know what it’s like to live with someone with a chronic health problem or disability helps these children know they are not alone in their plight. OUR EMPHASIS, HOWEVER, IS ON WELLNESS AND FUN!

Since the financial burden for families who have someone with ongoing health problems is often heavy, Camp Carefree’s policy is to provide each camper this experience at no charge to their families.

Camp Carefree’s construction has been a labor of love by volunteers from a broad area of the community. Likewise, our summer program could never succeed without the love and devotion of our volunteer counselors and medical staff. Donations of money, furnishings, and building materials have been received from many areas of the state allowing us to be debt free, with all existing facilities completed and paid for. Individuals, civic groups, churches, businesses and foundations have all had a part in contributing to our remarkable success.

With our major construction complete and paid for, we are now able to concentrate our time and income on expanding and improving our program. As with all facilities, there will always be repairs, additions and replacements to make, and as our program expands our costs rise. With the great support we have had from the community thus far, we feel confident we will continue to have friends to keep us solvent.

Camp Carefree is located in Stokesdale, NC, just 17 miles north of the Piedmont Triad Airport, making it a quick destination from Greensboro, High Point, Winston-Salem or anywhere else in the region.

We are a 401(c)(3) non-profit organization with no full-time staff; we are all volunteers! Your donation and the support of our sponsors make our mission possible.

PLEASE DONATE !!!!!!!!!!!

ECAC: Welcome to Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center’s (ECAC)  website.  This website is designed as a useful tool in your search for information. If you can’t find what you need, please call us 1-800-892-1321, or contact us using our website’s Quick Contact Form:

ECAC is dedicated to empowering families and improving lives, particularly for North Carolina families raising children ages 0 to 26 with disabilities. As a non-profit organization operated by and staffed primarily with parents of children with disabilities, we understand the needs of families as they navigate the special education process. We are here to assist all children in accessing a free and appropriate education.

Below is a list of resources and support. Contact us today – we are here to help.

• Come to workshop in your area – you can find the schedule on our website’s Training and Events Calendar:

• Call a Parent Educator to get individual information or assistance (1-800-962-6817).

• Borrow a book or DVD for yourself or your child from our Lending Library.

• Sign up for our mailing and email lists.

• Connect to us via our Facebook and Twitter pages (available in both English & Spanish):

• Volunteer to help with supporting other parents, fundraising, or marketing.

We also need and respect your comments and input.  Please let us know what you like about the website or what additional features or information you would like added.

Again, welcome to the ECAC website.  We hope you will visit us often.

Laura J. Weber, Ph.D.

Executive Director

Mind idea dumping

To much on ur mind well my suggestion is write it down and list was I most important to the least important and start working to finish you goal like when I have to many ideas I. My head for crafting I just have to write it all down and take it in to what needs to be done now and what can wait till later

Great News to Share

I was just told that I will have an opportunity to display my projects for sale at The Carolina Heritage Store in Mooresville, NC. I’m so very excited I really hope that it does well.

Feeling too cluttered

Well sometime I feel like I have to much of something so what I do is if I haven’t used it in a long while I pass it on to others who Quill or does other crafters.

My Dream for My Business

I hope that one day that I can either have my own actual store to sell my projects or be able to teach others this talent and watch it grow and blossom. For a long time now this was a dying craft but as with all thing it comes back full circle and Quilling is getting popular again with makes me very happy and hopeful for my future in the Quilling business industry.

What I feel is trending

I feel that depending on the time of year or season is what maybe popular like for the spring I’d say flowers, insects, or sunny day.

For summer I would say like anything beach, ice cream, or some kind of sport activity.

When I think of the fall I think of pumpkins, turkeys, and leaves off the trees.

As for the winter, well that’s a given snowflakes, coats, and snowman.

Keeping a crafting budget

Keeping a budget can be hard but this is my advise at the beginning of each month take out $20 from ur bank and hid it from urself and do that for 6 months or longer. After a while if you need to purchase more supplies you will have the money to do so.

Not in the mood

As a crafter sometimes you just have an off day and that is ok. Just walk away and go do something else. Don’t feel bad that you don’t want to craft because there is always tomorrow.

Passion over profit

I advise all my followers do what you love and share your gift with the world and if you make money doing it good for you! I love Quilling because it makes me so happy to help others to express their love to their love ones either with a card with a personal message or by remembering our lord with an ornament on their tree

Mistakes happen and how I fix them

Too Much Glue: when I see that I have to much glue on the project that I’m working on or on my hands I either go and wash my hands as good as I can or I will use a wet wipe to clear the excess glue off the project

Not lined up right: if I look closely and see that my edges don’t line up right I will either cut the unaligned edge or if it’s not completely dry I will pull the pieces apart and realign the strips of paper that I’m attaching together

Crumpled up strips of paper: some paper crafters think that if there is any imperfections on strips of paper that it can’t or shouldn’t be used but I think that you can still use it no matter the condition or the paper. I usually lay out the strips of paper under a heavy book over night then the next day I use it with whatever project I’m working on

My favorite quilling tools and why

  1. The needle tools: I love how you can make curly paper and you can create seaweed or spiral basket
  2. The circle template: it helps you keep your side and the roundness while you work on other strips of paper
  3. The grid guide: it helps me make different shapes and I can draw anything I want on it
  4. The boarder buddies. It can help me make the outline of three different shapes: the circle, square and the triangle

The positives and negatives of owning your own business

The Positive:

  1. Making your own hours
  2. Get to decide what you want to sell
  3. Get to work alone or with others
  4. Work anywhere you want
  5. Create your own designs
  6. Sale anywhere you like

The Negative:

  1. Sometimes you sell your items and sometimes you don’t
  2. Not a lot of money for other things
  3. Creative block
  4. Not enough materials to finish a project

Updating your business

I think that if you want to make changes to your shops or what you’re selling is a great renewal for your followers. I’m in the process of updating my business cards to make them look more professional.

Crafting in a group vs. alone

As a crafter I think that it’s good either way but I also feel that if crafting in a small group you can share ideas and supplies. I hope to one day teach a small group of people my quilling craft.

Cool tip

I was on my tumblr the other day and was looking around and this tumblr guy who does Quilling has drawn a rocket ship and used the paint by number method to keep up with the right colors for his Quilling project and I thought that was awesome and I never would have thought to do something like that .

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